Monday, October 03, 2005

Question ?

I was reading an article on CNN today about the various Supreme Court cases currently pending. The most controversial amongst them is of course the Legalization of Abortion. I had a thought when I was reading and decided to put it across to see what others think.

There is one fact that cannot be refuted.

Men cannot get pregnant and hence do not know what it is to be pregnant. Therefore I do not see how they can have a say in whether or not a woman can have an abortion.

.. ?


At October 3, 2005 at 12:53:00 PM EDT , Blogger anantha said...

Good question. As a matter of fact, this was one of the issues that probably decided the last Presidential election in Bush's favor. Coming from India, ppl start talking about how liberal this country is. But the real picture is the rampant hypocricy. At certain levels, I can say that India is far ahead culturally and socially.
And btw, are you including marriage as an institution in this discussion. Unplanned pregnancies are equally problematic whether or not the couple involved are married or not. Assume you get married (don't wanna offend you with any other scenario, given that I don't know your thoughts really) and both of you decide to put off having a child and something unforseen happens. Unless you include this scenario in your pre/post marriage discussions with your partner, you are going to be in trouble. Ultimately, my view is that in such a scenario, though you are QUITE right in arguing the case for you have to the ultimate say (considering the time you go through), you have to include your partner in the decision making and if you have been right in choosing one, you shouldn't have any problem convincing him. In any case, the easiest convincing tool is to just point him to the closest couple with a newborn and I am sure he's gonna see things your way :) Alternatively you can keep this link handy and if at all you get into such a discussion yourself, read aloud and at last, point out the last line of this post
Jokes apart, I think abortion shld not be condemned. Rather it should be condoned. It should be the doctor's perogative to counsel the individual before performing on the procedure and leave the actual decision making to the individual. The morality (killing a life form argument) issues aside, this line of thought could atleast prevent the multitude of pre-teens who end up carrying with or without their consent.

Oh btw, this post threw up one interesting thought. Would it be considered a human rights violation if the government decided that no person under the age of 18 shall be allowed to deliver a child? Needless to say, it shall be the doctor's perogative, cos I have heard sometimes abortion screws up expectant mother's reproductive system and sometimes endangers her life too.

At October 3, 2005 at 5:39:00 PM EDT , Blogger anantha said...

Interestingly, found this weird link and ya, it's work safe:

And I still trying to figure out how this is possible, but it seems to be.

At October 8, 2005 at 12:02:00 PM EDT , Blogger Meghna said...

You mention issues that have long been a part of humanity's battle. With regards to the male pregnancy issue, I think the hoax was extemely detailed in its concept but the fact that there were no updates on Mr Lee's condition now, was what clinched it. But it did raise some very important questions. When I first saw it, I was horrified at the thought of a man getting pregnant. And that got me thinking about whether this was how people reacted when the subject of genetic cloning was first introduced. Am I no better than that??

At October 14, 2005 at 8:21:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah men to you girl.

At October 18, 2005 at 11:22:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree. If a woman cant have say over what happens to her body, then who can

At November 14, 2005 at 11:42:00 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Specious reasoning, if you'll pardon me @ "Therefore I do not see how they can have a say in whether or not a woman can have an abortion."

What next ? Physically challenged men/women should not support soccer teams. Dumb people cannot sing, hence musical choices out of the q. etc. etc.

The question is whether or not freedom of choice (of the mother) takes priority over an unborn child's right to live. Any rational person, male or not, can venture an opinion on it. ( Several irrational ones do too.)

At December 16, 2005 at 11:04:00 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't unerstand how you could make this to be a "man vs. woman" issue, when it's nothing of that sort. The truth of the matter is that some conservative (both male and female) oppose abortion while liberals are in favor of choice. It's therefore a "pro-life" v. "pro-choice" issue. I love your language, though. Nice choice of words and the narrative is flowing.

At December 17, 2005 at 4:02:00 PM EST , Blogger Meghna said...

In response to I? ......

I really do not see how you drew parallels between the abortion issue and physically challenged people liking sports.......but u did say something that supported my point albiet in a backhanded fashion. "Any rational person male or female can venture an opinion on it". I asolutely agree. Opinions are welcome. When these opinions become the law, that's when it is time to put an end to it..........


At December 17, 2005 at 4:05:00 PM EST , Blogger Meghna said...

In response to Annonymous....

I was not trying to make it a man vs woman issue..but I do sincerely believe that a woman's perspective should take precedence in something that is so personal to her....but this is not to say women are rational all the time.........

And thank you for the compliment.....and I apologize for taking so long to reply...


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